How to set up Katalon on Azure DevOps pipelines

Chris House
4 min readMay 22, 2021

Katalon is a powerful test automation solution that provides a way to test your app end to end. Azure DevOps provides developer services for support teams to plan work, collaborate on code development, and build and deploy applications. Azure DevOps supports a culture and set of processes that bring developers and project managers and contributors together to complete software development. This article assumes you are familiar with how to use Katalon Studio and want to start using it with Azure DevOps pipelines.

First, you need to create a repository inside Azure DevOps to house your tests.

Then go to Katalon’s website and download Katalon Studio. There is no installer for the studio product, just an executable so extract the zip file somewhere where you can get back to it.

Before we begin writing tests, we want to clone the repository we created in Azure DevOps inside Katalon Studio.

Now that source control is configured, we can begin writing a end to end test. For demo purposes, I will go to google and verify the search button text exits on the page.

We need to create a test case first, so right click on Test Cases and add a new one called Verify Search Button.

Then click on record web button, and in the url type the url you wish to record your tests against.

I have recorded a test that opens the browser, navigates to and verifies the search button exists on the page. The script is below:

WebUI.openBrowser('')WebUI.navigateToUrl('')WebUI.verifyElementVisibleInViewport(findTestObject('Object Repository/Google Search/Page_Google/input_Remove_btnK'), 0)

Next, we will add a Test Suite that will run our test case. You can run your script or suite in Katalon Studio to validate it passes before commiting your test case and pusing it to Azure DevOps.

At this point we are ready to create our test pipeline in Azure DevOps, so Navigate to the Pipelines tab, and click on the create pipeline button. For this Demo, I am going to use the classic editor to create the pipeline without YAML.

Next thing we need to do is add an empty job and add a new task. When adding the task, search for Katalon on the marketplace.

We only need to populate two fields to get Katalon working, the version of Katalon, and the command arguments. Here I am using version 8.0.0, and it is important to note that the version you run on Azure DevOps must match Katalon Studio.

In the command arguments, paste the following:

-browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuitePath="Test Suites/Google" -apiKey="YOUR_API_GUID"

Save, and then queue your build. You can add another step to publish your test reports. Here I will add a Publish Pipeline Artifact task where you can manually download the test reports.

After a successful pipeline build, you can navigate to the artifact and download it to your computer.

You now can navigate to the test execution report and view it in the browser.

Thank you for reading!

